Dundee Football Club fully endorses the legal and ethical requirements of equal opportunities for members, staff, spectators and others involved in the Club’s activities.
Discrimination on the basis of disability is wholly unacceptable and the Club strives to ensure that nobody should receive less favourable treatment because of disability.
This policy applies to all staff, members, players, spectators, guests and all others participating in the Club’s activities.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Club complies with the Equality Act 2010 and to ensure that disabled people within the meaning of the Act are treated fairly and equally.
In line with the Act, in this policy:
- DISABILITY refers to a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to perform day-to-day activities;
- DISABLED PERSON refers to a person with such a disability;
- DISCRIMINATION refers to treating someone with a disability less favourably than others who have no disability and that the treatment cannot be shown to be justified in relation to the activities or circumstances involved.
Provision of Goods, Services and Facilities
The Club is committed to ensuring that its disabled supporters and customers have as full access as is reasonably possible to all goods, services and facilities offered by the Club.
The Club has ensured that the needs of disabled people have been taken account wherever practicable.
Nevertheless, the Club is committed to reviewing and improving continuingly arrangements for disabled persons to the extent that it is reasonable and practicable.
The Club provides reduced price admission for disabled spectators and free admission for their carers if required.
The Club has appointed James Thomson as the person responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy and to promote the interests of people with disability. Anyone with a concern or grievance relating to arrangements for people with disabilities is encouraged to contact him who will ensure that the concern or grievance is dealt with timeously.
The Club has advised all staff that any breach of this policy will be treated as a serious matter and will be subject to disciplinary action.
Employment and Engagement
When considering persons for positions within the club (either as employees or as volunteers) the Club will not discriminate against any persons with disabilities:
- in the arrangements made for the selection of candidates;
- in the terms and conditions offered;
- by deliberately considering the disability as the basis for non-selection except where the disability would preclude the person from performing the duties (e.g., by contravening the Health and Safety at Work Act);
- by ensuring that there are equal opportunities for training and advancement;
- in ensuring that nobody is dismissed uniquely or predominantly on the basis of a disability.
Parking arrangements for “ Blue Badge” holders
Home Support.
East side of Provost Road heading from Sandeman Street to Dens Road
Away Support
East side of North Isla Street
Disability Access Officer
The clubs Disability Access Officer is Christine Curtis