The Dundee Academy CIC

The Dundee Academy CIC

A New Era for Dundee’s Youth Academy – The Dundee Academy CIC

The club is delighted to announce the appointment of Jamie McBrearty in the newly established role of Academy Director. Jamie brings over 25 years of experience from a range of roles in sports development, education and business, along with being a member of the youth academy’s coaching staff since the Kenny Cameron era of the late 90s. Jamie will be responsible for taking The Dundee Academy (CIC) in a new direction, building on the magnificent work of Stephen Wright and Kevin Garrick over the past 4 years, both of who are also absolutely integral to the future of The Dundee Academy.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, like many businesses, the club was faced with making key financial decisions to continue operating, and the Youth Academy had to operate with a significant reduction of finances and was only able to continue with many staff working voluntarily under Stephen Wright’s fantastic leadership. This posed the question if a similar situation was to arise again, how could the club safeguard the operations of the academy, whilst not pulling on scarce resources?

In May 2020, it was first highlighted that the academy could potentially operate as an arms-length organisation to the club with its own set of finances and governance that could also future proof the academy and future growth under either charitable status or as a social enterprise.

After careful consideration about the viability and ability to operate under another legal status, the decision has been made to create a Community Interest Company (CIC) that will be responsible for the operation of the club’s Youth Academy.

The purpose of The Dundee Academy CIC is to provide opportunities for all children and young people to enter the football pathway and progress to their desired level regardless of background. The main purpose will be to provide a world-class sporting system that creates an environment for all to take their potential to the highest level via world-class coaching, development, training, and education.

The main difference between people who play sport in Scotland in the 21st century and those who don’t lies in levels of deprivation, according to new research commissioned by the Observatory of Sport in Scotland (OSS).  Desire, attitude, levels of commitment or even social media and technology are not the main reasons for sport declining in many parts of Scotland – family income is. That is among the stark conclusions in the report ‘Sport and Social Inequality’.

The Dundee Academy aims to support closing the equity gap in Dundee and surrounding areas by identifying and developing players from the most disadvantaged backgrounds through a multi-agency approach that supports, nurtures, and educates players to become successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors, and responsible citizens whilst becoming the best version of themselves to succeed, whether that be in football or in life.

This is a very exciting time for the academy over the coming years, aiming to build on the successful number of graduates in recent seasons to the 1st team.

You will be able to follow The Dundee Academy’s journey in a dedicated section within the new and improved matchday programme and on the club website.

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