Assistant Manager Gerry McCabe drew the Dee Promotions Lottery numbers on Friday the 27th of June 2014. The Jackpot Numbers are 02 – 19 – 14 – 21 and the jackpot is now sitting at £2,646.60.
Eight members matched the three number jackpot and receive an equal share of £197.80. Each member will receive a cheque for £24.73.
The winning membership numbers are: 645, 697, 1144, 5113, 61195, 66692, 66976 & 77265.
Ten members were drawn for the exclusive Dundee FC Prizes. The membership numbers are: 379, 982, 1195, 1327, 1714, 7103, 48033, 51326, 70348 & 81643.
To join please contact Alison McQueen Tel: 01382 884450
Email: [email protected]