Groundsman Brian Robertson drew the Dee Promotions Lottery numbers on Friday 30th of September 2016. The jackpot is now sitting at £4,575.40. The Jackpot Numbers are 28 – 08 – 18 – 21.
Six members matched the three number jackpot and they receive a cheque for £28.88.The winning members are: Mr W Berry (079), Mr J Sutherland (1642), Mr E Irons (1764), Miss D Hart (1878), Mr M Philip (19848) & Mr A Batchelor (63686).
Ten members were drawn for the exclusive Dundee FC Prizes. The winning members are:- Mr J Shepherd (132), Mrs D Headridge (337), B McLeish (756), Mr J McIrvine (1981), Miss L Farnan (20942), Mrs L Denholm (40870), Mr C Robertson (41912), Mr S Barn (45457), Mr J McCann (52005) & Mr H Tosh (54531).
To join please contact Alison McQueen Tel: 01382 884450.